Many suburbanites see raccoons as mere pests, and others may consider this little critter a huge headache and even a potential threat. But, for those that have had raccoons in the attic, they can be real nightmares. They make a lot of noise, can cause extensive damage, and pose a health risk to your family.
Raccoons are nocturnal, foraging for food at night and resting in the daytime
- Raccoons are scavengers and are particularly fond of garbage left by humans; however, they have been known to dunk their food in water before taking a bite. How civilized!
The hands of raccoons are similar to those of primates in that they are adequately spaced evenly, making them very agile
They do not hibernate in the winter, but they do go into a restful state and eat very little
Raccoons are typically loners, but mothers stay with their cubs from the spring births until the first winter
Raccoons are vagabonds; they will travel to follow food and shelter but will remain at places as long as they need
Here’s the catch. Note the last two points: raccoon mothers and babies stick together for about 16 weeks and they will travel and commit to a place that offers comfort. Here’s where your home comes into play—this can present a place that offers warmth, cover, and food for a raccoon mama nursing her young.
Wildlife removal, particularly when a raccoon takes up residence, is best handled by a professional. They can be difficult to evict and time is of the essence—before too much damage is done. Learn more about how we get rid of raccoons in your home in upcoming posts. And note that the springtime is when baby raccoons are born and homeowners should be particularly suspicious of noises they hear or other curious findings that may indicate a raccoon guest.
About DQ Pest Control:
DQ Pest Control is a family-owned and operated New York animal control and pest remediation company serving the New York metropolitan area and Long Island. Specialist David Quinn is a New York exterminator with many years of experience in the family business.