Monday, October 29, 2018

You Won't Need Luck With Professional Pest Control Services

St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner! With a little luck of the Irish, spring will soon follow. This holiday features widespread celebrations, and the history of the man and events are steeped in folklore and whimsy.
Some things that we think are interesting:
  • St. Patrick is known for driving the snakes out of Ireland. History will tell us that this has more to do with geography and the Ice Age, but we have to admit our admiration for that type of wildlife control.
  • We all know that the holiday is centered on the color green, be it the shamrocks, the leprechauns, or the beer, but we have a “green” streak as well. As a professional pest control company, we employ animal control methods and pest control chemicals that are environmentally conscious and safe for your family.
  • The leprechauns depicted today are cute, impish little characters, but were originally a bit more sinister in Irish tales—perhaps even considered “pests.” Our service menu doesn’t include leprechaun remediation, but we’re interested in every kind of pest—those that are real, everyday problems, and those invented by folk stories.
Learn more about the facts and myths surrounding this fun holiday. And start looking forward to spring—in upcoming posts, we will be offering some tips for spring cleaning and pest control measure to take this time of year.
About DQ Pest Control:
DQ Pest Control is a family-owned and operated New York animal control and wildlife removal company serving the New York metropolitan area and Long Island. Specialist David Quinn is a New York exterminator with many years of experience in the family business.